
Unknown Xcode Shortcut

This unknown Xcode shortcut will allow you to close all the tabs, keeping the selected one open.

1 min read

Force Dark Mode to View in SwiftUI

In this article we are going to learn how to apply a specific colour scheme to a View regardless of the system dark mode.

1 min read

Background Blur with Materials in SwiftUI

Discover how to create a background blur effect and give more importance to your text in SwiftUI using the new materials.

1 min read

How to Correctly use .secondary Hierarchy in SwiftUI

Discover how to apply hierarchical styling to text, buttons, shapes, images and labels. Improve your UI and UX with this styling.

1 min read

Add Custom View to SafeArea in SwiftUI

Discover how to inset a List content using a dedicated ViewModifier in SwiftUI. How to add a button at the bottom of a List.

2 min read

Fix “Cycle Inside“ Error in Xcode

See how to fix the “Cycle Inside“ error in Xcode. This error happens because there is an issue with the order of scripts.

1 min read

Fix “Some files could not be transferred (code 23)“ Error in Xcode

Discover how to fix the 'Some files could not be transferred (code 23)' error connected to Cocoapods.

1 min read

Tutorial: How to Create a Timed Paging Carousel Like Instagram

Learn how to create a page controller that automatically changes page with the new UIPageControlTimerProgress component.

4 min read

Create Menus with Palette Picker in SwiftUI and UIKit

Use the new palette picker and menu style to display options as rows of compact elements in UIMenu and Menu View in iOS 17.

3 min read

Autocompletion for Images and Colours in Xcode 15

Automatically generate colors and images resources from .xcassets and avoid typos in your code with autocompletion in Xcode 15.

2 min read

Format Functions to Multiple Lines in Xcode 15

Make you code easier to read formatting your functions to multiple lines with the option 'Format to Multiple Lines' in Xcode 15.

2 min read

Make Code Easier to Write and Read in Swift 5.9

Improve your code with inline if-else and switch statements available in Swift 5.9. Make your codebase less tedious to write.

3 min read

ContentUnavailableView Handle Empty States in SwiftUI

Handle empty states with the new SwiftUI ContentUnavailableView. Available for iOS 17, macOS 14, tvOS 17 and watchOS 10.

2 min read

Fix “Build input file cannot be found“ Error in Xcode

See how to fix the “Build input file cannot be found“ error in Xcode. It can be caused by different reasons.

1 min read

SwiftData the Successor of CoreData Explained with SwiftUI

Discover the SwiftData framework built on top of CoreData. Save and fetch data locally. Available for Xcode 15, Swift and SwiftUI.

5 min read

How to Create Swift Macros with Xcode 15

Discover the new Swift Macro, speed up your workflow and make your code easier to read. Available for Swift 5.9 and Xcode 15.

8 min read

Make your Chart Scrollable with SwiftUI Charts (iOS 17)

Discover the new SwiftUI Charts APIs that enables you to create scrollable chart easily. Available for Xcode 15 and iOS 17.

2 min read

All the New Features in Xcode 15

Discover what's new in Xcode 15 that will help speed up your workflow and it will make you developer life easier.

2 min read

Error “Missing file libarclite“ (Xcode 14.3)

See how to fix the “Missing file libarclite“ error in Xcode. This is due to libraries with minimum deployment target of iOS 11.

1 min read

Everything Apple Announced at WWDC 23

Discover all the new operating systems, Macs and Vision Pro with visionOS presented in the WWDC 23 by Apple.

4 min read

How To Take an Xcode Simulator Screenshot without Shadows

See how to take a ready to use screenshot of the Xcode Simulator embedded in the device bezel without any shadow or toolbar.

1 min read

How to Let User Paste Data Into your App in SwiftUI

Discover the handy PasteButton available in iOS 16 and SwiftUI, that will allow users to easily paste content in your app.

1 min read

Persist Access to User Folders Across Launches (Part 2)

Discover how to persist user's Mac folders and files permissions across app launches in an app with Sandbox enabled in Xcode.

6 min read

Read and Write Data in a Sandboxed App (Part 1)

Discover how to get read and write permission to user's Mac folders and files in an app with Sandbox enabled.

4 min read

From REST API to CoreData in One Step

See how to convert fetched data from a REST API to entities and persist them to CoreData, the built-in local database of Apple.

3 min read

Error “Missing package product“ for Swift Packages (SPM)

See how to fix the “Missing package product“ error in Xcode caused by some Swift Packages added through SPM.

2 min read

Error “No such file or directory“ for 3rd Party Libraries

See how to fix the “No Such File or Directory“ error in Xcode. It can be frustrating to debug since it can have multiple causes.

1 min read

Gurman Reveals What Will Be Presented During WWDC 2023

Discover what will be presented during WWDC 23 by Apple according to Mark Gurman. iOS and iPadOS 17, watchOS 10, xrOS and headset.

2 min read

CloudKit With CoreData Not Working in Production

Discover why sometimes the sync between CoreData and CloudKit do not work in production but it does while developing.

1 min read

Create Custom Units and Dimensions in Swift (Part 2)

Learn how to use the measurements APIs to create custom units and convert units of measure easily and effortlessly with Swift.

2 min read

Units and Measurement Conversion in Swift (Part 1)

Learn how to use the measurements APIs to create custom units and convert units of measure easily and effortlessly with Swift.

2 min read

Understanding Dependency Injection in Swift

Learn the basics of dependency injection with Swift and Xcode. It will allows you to inject dependencies making classes flexible.

3 min read

Abstract Factory Pattern in Swift

Learn how the abstract factory pattern allows you to improve you codebase making it more readable and maintainable.

3 min read

FLCharts: Create Bar Chart easily

Create beautiful and highly customisable bar, line, radar charts and many more with FLCharts, a flexible, easy-to-use library.

3 min read

How To Use Markdown in SwiftUI

Discover different ways to use Markdown with the Text element in SwiftUI to easily add markdown text to your app.

1 min read

Apple Watch Water Lock

See how to use the enableWaterLock() API of WatchKit to disable the Apple Watch touch screen to prevent accidental taps.

1 min read

Combine CoreData and SwiftUI

See how to use CoreData database with SwiftUI. Syncing changes from CoreData to every View of your app.

5 min read

Persistence Controller Example

Check out this sample of the Persistence Controller with CloudKit generated by Xcode while creating a new project.

2 min read